En Smart måde at kontrollere dit kølesmøremiddel på.
Effective manufacturing requires efficient process. This means moving away from manual tasks, and embracing the opportunities afforded by advanced, intelligent technologies.
Castrol SmartControl is one such technology.
SmartControl, developed in conjunction with control system experts Tiefenbach, has been designed to allow manufacturers to make use of real-time condition monitoring. It gives you the opportunity to monitor and control your central system of metalworking fluids automatically, ensuring processes are more efficient, reliable, and can operate continuously without the need for human intervention.
With Castrol SmartControl, the most important parameters of the metalworking fluid are controlled automatically. The real-time condition monitoring enables the measurement of:
- Concentration
- pH-niveau
- Ledningsevne
- Temperatur
At have øjeblikkelig adgang til robust data på disse områder giver producenterne de oplysninger, der er nødvendige for at træffe beslutninger, så eventuelle problemer kan opdages og efterfølgende afhjælpes med det samme.
Vi forstår, at det er afgørende at øge effektiviteten for at sikre langsigtede forretningsmæssige succeser. SmartControl kan hjælpe dig med at opnå disse.
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